Tuesday, October 22, 2019

(Post by Padmini Tomar regarding SADHANA 2019)
From deciding, to leaving for Aurangabad within 4 days, I was excited to be in a Sadhana camp of 14 days away from all social media and my mobile. I was scared because I didn't know I'd be able to do well without my phone or not in a place where I don't know anyone. I was happy because this Sadhana camp was not just any camp, I would learn Sanskrit, Indian classical music, to Theatre and a lot of different classical instruments. More than that, I would get to learn Odissi and Kathak from Parwati Dutta ji!!!!!! Who herself learnt from Pt. Birju Maharaja and Kelucharan Mohapatra ji at their peak of careers!!!!!!!! I was excited because I am learning Kathak right now and I did learn Odissi for 5 years in school! ❤️🌟 The experience to learn ALL of this from someone new, and to get more knowledge. I went there as a plain slate as if I didn't know anything and I lived my journey! The amount of knowledge I got to witness and hear every second... I learnt from the little girls to the teens who I was staying with, to my amazing partner in crime @anandini_dasi who's there in one of the pictures!!!! It was an amazing journey. All these girls used to call me "Barbie doll, Golden didi" and what not because of my hair and complexion 😂 It was so good!!! The food, the atmosphere, the vibe, I learnt from everything and everyone. I know I changed, I feel it 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💚 The lady right at the end, is the legend herself Parwati Dutta ji, and she is so inspiring and her knowledge is overwhelming!!!! Loved every bit of this experience...🙏🏻🙏🏻 I am a dancer, I never chose a style, I simply chose Dance. I'll always be a student and I'll always be hungry to learn more!!! Thank You! #redwine #indianclassicaldance #indianclassicalmusic #Mahagami #culture #dancer #ForeverStudent
This entry was posted on 27/05/2019 at 07:10 by @padminitomaar . 7 tags, such as #redwine, #indianclassicaldance, #indianclassicalmusic, #Mahagami and #culture where used on post, 135 people liked and 3 people left a comment up to now.
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