Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Theme: Demystifying Ethos

Demystifying Ethos fundamentally revolves around the discovery of the ‘defining character’ of a
community, culture, era, or person. It aims at reflecting the resounding spirit of everything around
us, and deconstructing the essence of it all.
Through this theme, we aspire to create a platform for eminent speakers, to discuss the prevalent
‘ethos’ which forms the core of their society, culture, domain, or profession. To discuss those constants
which continue to prevail in the changing times. To discuss those radical changes which are
becoming the essence of new avenues. And to discuss the emerging seeds of thought, creation,
and imagination.
TEDxNMIMSBangalore- Demystifying Ethos- will be about revelation of practices, phenomenon,
attitudes, and occurrences which reintroduce the the hidden gems of our lives, that have come to
define our past, our present and our future!


Parwati Dutta
Kathak and Odissi ArtistParwati Dutta is a versatile Odissi and Kathak danseuse, Guru, and researcher. Blessed with a graceful bearing and command on technical virtuosity, bhaava (expressions), and taal (rhythm), Parwati’s performances have been greatly appreciated by the connoisseurs within and outside the country. Her work as an artist was filmed in a documentary by BBC in 1999 and has also been depicted in the film ‘Vaikhari’. She has been conferred the UNESCO Cultural Award, Devadasi National Award, and Nritya Bhushan amongst many others. She has been intensely involved with the dissemination and research in the field of arts as the Founder Director, and Guru of Mahagami Gurukul.

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