Sunday, July 14, 2019

TANTIDHATRI : International Women's Performing Arts Festival

January 2019

Parwati Dutta is a guru, dancer, researcher and arts administrator, born in West Bengal in a multi-cultural environment. She began learning Kathak at an early age of 3 years and later also started learning Odissi. Known today as a versatile Odissi and Kathak danseuse, Guru and researcher; she is recognized by the dance-community as a thinkerdancer and a dedicated Arts Administrator. She is a senior disciple of Pt. Birju Maharaj, Padmavibhushan Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and Madhavi Mudgal. Blessed with a graceful bearing and command on technical virtuosity, bhaava (expressions) and taal (rhythm), Parwati’s performances have been greatly appreciated by the connoisseurs within and outside the country.

Parwati Dutta, is the Director and Guru of Mahagami Gurukul, Aurangabad. Since the past 22 years she has been intensely involved with the dissemination and research in the field of arts. Her limitless quest to learn and discover various concepts related to art and philosophy guide her work as a researcher. She has done extensive study on Taal system of Odissi & Mardal tradition, Dhrupad, Pakhawaj, Sangeet Ratnakar, and the sculptures of Ellora caves; she has translated her work into dance productions. She had authored a book on Indian Classical Dances named NrityaGatha published in English, Hindi, Marathi and Bengali. There are few research publications to her credit that have been published by well known publications. Parwati is also Vision Director of VidyaAranyam, a gurukul-based school in the rural peripheries of Aurangabad.

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